About me
PhD in Economic and Business Sciences from the National University of Distance Education (UNED) with the Doctoral Thesis "The role of trust on cooperation as meta-organization using a stewardship approach"
PhD candidate in Law at the University of Jaén with the Doctoral Thesis project "Trust and entrepreneurship: ethical and legal implications"
University Degree in Economics and Business Studies from the University of Jaén
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies from the University of Granada
Insurance Broker by the General Directorate of Insurance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance
In 2013 I obtained the Elocuent National Prize for Personal Communication. Teaching, Training and Dissemination
In 2019 I joined SECOT (Seniors Españoles para la Cooperación Técnica) as a Partner, developing advisory, training and mentoring activities for entrepreneurs
I elaborate monthly the Provincial Observatory of Entrepreneurship in Jaén (Observatorio provincial del Emprendimiento en Jaén).
I compile the Statistics on the Self-Employed and Companies in Andalusia (Estadística de Autónomos y Empresas en Andalucía).
I prepare the Weekly Report on Corporate Entrepreneurship in Spain (Informe Semanal de Emprendimiento Societario en España) and the Weekly Report on Corporate Entrepreneurship in Andalusia (Informe Semanal de Emprendimiento Societario en Andalucía).
I prepare the Daily Report on the Creation of Mercantile Companies in Spain (Informe diario de Creación de Sociedades Mercantiles en España) and the Daily Report on the Creation of Mercantile Companies in Andalusia (Informe diario de Creación de Sociedades Mercantiles en Andalucía).
I am part of:
- the Fulgencio Meseguer Chair of University Entrepreneurship of the University of Jaén.
- the team that coordinates the GUESSS research project on university entrepreneurship at the University of Jaén.
- the team that prepares the GEM Report of the province of Jaén
- the team that prepares the Andalusia GEM Report
I have collaborated with the Municipal Institute of Employment and Business Training (IMEFE) of the Jaén City Council.
I have collaborated as a Mentor for entrepreneurs in the Guadalinfo Network of the Fernando de los Ríos Consortium for the development of the Information and Knowledge Society in Andalusia.
I have collaborated in the Bancaja Chair of Young Entrepreneurs and in the Andalucía Emprende Chair of the University of Jaén.
I participate as a Mentor in the Xplorer Programme of the Santander Bank at the University of Jaén